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This section of the website is for those people who have purchased the audiobook of How to Get Hired.


Below I have included images of each of the tables and figures used in the book. The labels follow the order of the book and use the same number format.

The audiobook of How to Get Hired is now available to download on Amazon, Audible and iTunes.
Click on the icons below to Buy.

figure 1: defining your criteria

fig 1. table defining criteria (high res

figures 2 and 3: personal specification

fig 2 & 3. table personal spec (high res

figure 4: Example of Shortlisting Table

fig 4. table shortlisting sheet (high re

figure 5: Qualifications - Personal Specification

fig 5. table qualification (high res ver
fig 6. table experience (high res versio

figure 6: Experience - Personal Specification

fig 7. text spacing (high res version).p

figure 7: Text Spacing

figure 8: Font Size

fig 8. text font size (high res version)

figure 9: Headings

fig 9. headings (high res version).png

figure 10: Justify

fig 10. justify (high res version).png

figure 11: Don't Indent

fig 11. indent (high res version).png
fig 12. sar (high res version).png

figure 12: Situation, Action, Result (SAR)

figure 13: Busy Text Slide

fig 13. slide 1 (high res version).png

figure 14: Simple Graphic Slide

fig 14. slide 2 (high res version).png

figure 15: Example feedback Form

fig 15. feedback form (high res version)
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