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HI, I'm Mike Harrison

My experience as a manager and director throughout my career mean that I’ve been involved in hiring many people over the years, reading thousands of job applications and conducting hundreds of interviews along the way. During this time I’ve learnt what works and what doesn’t, how the best candidates rise above the rest, while others make simple mistakes that limit their career prospects.


For me the hardest part is seeing people with great potential fail to land a job they would be perfect for, not because they lack the qualifications, skills or experiences to do the job, but because they lack the knowhow to navigate their way through the recruitment process.


I believe with the right help and support, anyone can acquire these skills. This website, together with the accompanying book, How to Get Hired - An Insider’s Guide to Applications, Interviews and Getting the Job of Your Dreams, is my attempt to help people develop their skills in order to reach true career fulfilment.



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Buy the Book

How to Get Hired, An Insider’s Guide to Applications, Interviews and Getting the Job of Your Dreams is available as an eBook or paperback from Amazon.

Whether you are looking for your first job or searching for your next board level position, this step-by-step guide will teach you:

  • How to identify the right jobs for you

  • How to understand the basic documents that are used in the recruitment process

  • How to write applications, CVs and cover letters

  • How to prepare yourself ahead of an interview 

  • How to anticipate what questions you will be asked at interview so you can prepare answer in advance

  • How to develop and deliver presentations at interview

  • How to read the verbal and non-verbal cues common in interviews

  • How to negotiate and accept a job offer

  • How to receive post interview feedback



For decades companies and academics have been developing and using psychometric tests to gain a deeper level of insight into individuals that they are interacting with. These tests usually focus on personality traits, competencies, styles of working or an individual’s management and leadership style. At some point in your life you’ve probably used one of these tools (e.g. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or StrengthsFinder 2.0).


While these tools can be incredibly helpful, they all overlook one crucial element in the success formula, personal motivation.


In order to find true happiness and fulfilment in any part of your life, or to make any significant change, the first step is always being motivated to do so. Yet despite motivation being such an important part of everything we do (or don’t do), most people have little understanding of what truly motivates them. 


Until recently, in order to try and understand your own personal motivations, you would have needed to either read multiple books on the subject or engage with a coach who specialises in motivation. Thankfully, now you can find the answers to your own personal motivation in under 20 minutes by completing a Motivational Map(TM).

"Despite motivation being such an important part of everything we do, most people have little understanding of what truly motivates them"
Click below to start your journey to motivational enlightenment
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